A Skeg Protector or cover is a component that protects the lower unit Skeg from rocks, debris, stumps or obstacles. The Skeg Cover absorbs the impact and protects the lower unit of the outboard from damage.   Therfore the Skeg repair cost is a lot lower or none at all. Avoid costly Skeg repairs with the original Skeg-Cover.   The Original Skeg-Cover fits most makes of outboard motors and stern drives from 60 horse to 300 horses.  Some fit may be required.   Get your Skeg-Cover at a huge discount of $69.95 Includes Shipping and Handling.    Avoid those skeg repairs and protect your lower unit with the Skeg-Cover.
Skeg-Cover  PO Box 5814 Spring Hill, Fl 34611-5814 Phone: 1-813-843-7534           (1-813-843-SKEG) skegcover@gmail.com
Dealer Inquiries Welcome
Here is the outboard in the video after a impact. The Skeg-Cover is a little bent and it has a slight crack but still protecting.
Below is when the Skeg-Cover was removed from the skeg without any damage to the skeg or lower unit
Look above to see the impact to the Skeg-Cover and results from the outboard in this video
Includes shipping and handling in the continental United States only. Other charges may apply outside the continental United States.
Canadian Residence $79.95 Click Button Below
© SkegBoot.com 2012